Radical Self-Love: Journaling-Power

Presenting your Most-Radical Self-Love Coach, Mari L. McCarthy of CreateWriteNow

Valentine’s Day + 1, 2022 Hoping that your Valentine’s Day brought you all sorts of things-of-the-heart! But if a generous dose of self-care and self-love wasn’t among these, I’m delighted to offer this here! Today! The lovely woman with the beaming smile–my longtime friend & sister-Adventurer, Mari L. McCarthy–has just released her newest book, Mindset Medicine: A Journaling Power Self-Love Book. I’m tickled (and then some) to be the second stop on her Blog Tour, welcoming her to “Notes of an Earth Pilgrim” this day after Valentine’s Day.

Mari’s twenty-five years as founder and CEO (Chief Empowerment Officer) of CreateWriteNow have blazed an incredible journey with and worldwide leadership in the exciting field of Journaling. Follow the link to check out all she has to offer beyond this fabulous new book. Here’s my review to tell you details and following that a link to a great video where people will share their personal experiences engaging with Mindset Medicine ….

Mari L. McCarthy’s new book, Mindset Medicine, could not be more timely. The upending of all our lives by the pandemic has created opportunity as well as crisis…opportunity to examine and reset our lives. With Mari’s upbeat and wise voice on each page, Mindset Medicine offers a vivid and empowering path forward in the uncovering and harnessing of one’s Self-Love. Her passion for journaling’s power is contagious. Gifted teacher that she is, she ably and enthusiastically shows the way to loving ourselves, accessing our own passions and gifts, and opening the door to living a fulfilling and wonder-full life. Her book and all her notable work is a tremendous gift to the world, especially in these tumultuous times. But be cautioned….this excellent book will quite likely transform you into a Journaling Power Revolutionary!

You’ll be so glad to have taken 2 1/2 minutes today to enjoy this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhECMup7dlo

And a final note…….when I was thumbing through my personal copy in preparing to write this post, I came upon this luminous passage on page 97. I’d bracketed the paragraph and added the notation, “There it is!”….. This is called affirmative journaling. When you write, feel, and act as it you already have that which you desire, you put a magnetic vibration out to the Universe and that’s when magic happens in your life. And Mari is most certainly a gifted purveyor of the transformative “magic” and power of Journaling!

So follow your impulse and get hold of her marvelous book. Treating yourself to a copy is as close as this link on Amazon……. However, as a Big Fan of independent bookstores, I hope you’ll take your order to one near you!

All that’s left to say is warm thanks for visiting Golden Spiral Journey AND congratulations, Mari!!!

2 thoughts on “Radical Self-Love: Journaling-Power

  1. harbormaid

    Hello S-T Carol! Thank you for hosting me. To celebrate my 25th anniversary as a Journaling Power Revolutionary, I’m having a Sale! Enter Mari25 at checkout at the CreateWriteNow.com store and get 25% off Everything. #JustWriteON!

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